Monday, June 17, 2013

I Don't Love You - Chapter 7 -Lissa POV-

       The next day everything was back to normal, and Jason came up to me with a cocky grin on his face, making him look a little evil.
       "So," he said,"Jay came over to my house last night looking like a cherry with dark brown hair. I take it you tattled on me?"
       I was confused. "He came over to your house?"
       "We live in the same neighborhood. Four doors down."
       That made a lot more sense. "Yeah I told him, but I told him to lay off on the ass-kicking until I say so," I said with a smile.
       That was when Jay walked into the Social Studies room and said, "You were talking about me?"
       "How'd you know?" I exclaimed dramatically.
       He gave me his only-for-me smile. "I felt a disturbance in the Force."
       "Watching a little too much Star Trek, huh?"
       "Wrong movie." he replied.
       "What. Ever." I said in my impersonating-a-bratty-teen voice.
       Jason chuckled. Jay looked like he was about to rip his head off.
       Before he actually did, I touched his arm and asked, "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
       He looked at me, his eyes going gentle. "Whatever."
       I pulled him to the other side of the room, almost dragging him because I was being impatient. When I stopped he gave me a quizzical look. We just looked at each other for a few moments and then we both heard the sound of Jason laughing. When we turned, there he was, across the room and laughing. At us. Jay started to storm off that way, but I touched his arm again.
      "Stop," I said, then I hesitated. "Are you okay?"
       He looked at me sadly, "What do you mean?"
       "I mean that you've been acting weird and I don't like it. You're not being yourself. Ever since Jason showed up and you introduced us, you seemed... strange."
       He raised an eyebrow. "Strange?"
       "Yeah. Strange." I said.
       He smiled, "Strange how?" Obviously, I had misunderstood the first time.
       "Well..." I trailed off as I thought. "You seem a lot I can't think of the word right now!" I said, then continued in an Indian accent, "Ask again later."
       He chuckled gently and hugged me. "I'm totally fine, Lis. Chill out."
       "I think you had better as well, or else you're gonna tear Jason over there's arm off." I said, jerking my thumb in the general direction of where Jason had just been.
       "Or worse," I heard him mutter.
       God, I couldn't wait to get home.

       Jason was even starting to get on my nerves, and I was the one that was trying to be friendly.  I did, however, find it strange that Jay had introduced me to Jason and, lately, nearly killed him every time he even walked through the same door as me.  I mean, I do like the fuss he makes over me, but it's getting old.  This needs to stop.
       I lay on my bed listening to my headphones and Ipod.  I got a text from Jay a few minutes ago saying Come over to my place.  We should talk.  In all honesty, I couldn't move.  My bed was so comfortable, and I was so tired that my eyelids were almost all the closed.  That was when I heard a loud crash! coming from the kitchen, which jerked me out of my lethargic state.  My eyes popped open and I snatched my headphones off of my ears, pressing pause on Evanescence's "My Last Breath".  I ran down the stairs to the kitchen to see what was going on, only to see that my older brother was sitting on the counter.  There was no mess, like always.
       "Hey, Allan," I said.  "Why don't you ever just knock on my door or something? You scared the living crap out of me."
       He chuckled.  He always sounded so much older than me.  "How's it been, Lissa?" Allan asked.
       Well, I'm obviously still seeing imaginary older brothers I thought.
       "Hey, I'm dead," he protested,"not imaginary."
       "Correction: Imaginary little brothers that can read my mind."  I said.
       He sighed. "Lissa, quit denying it."
       Yes, big shocker people, I have a dead little brother that talks to me.  Give me a break!  It's not like I tell anyone about it.  Not even Jay knew about it.
       I actually would have an older brother.  His name was actually Allan.  He died at three months old.  Mom cried over it, just like she did when Dad passed five months into her pregnancy with Allan.  I didn't know Allan, of course, but he still acted like my older brother and loved me just the same.
       "I'm not denying anything, I just don't believe in ghosts." I replied.
       He grinned."So you do believe me when I say I'm dead."
       "Yes, I do believe you're totally crazy."
       He sighed and leaned over to mess up my hair."You'll understand one day, Lissa.  Then, you'll believe me when I say you attract the supernatural," he said.
       "Of course, that'll be when Mom stops bothering me about me being her only child and that she wants to keep me safe by not letting me have much of a social life!" I snapped.
       He chuckled in an older brotherly way, like I had no clue what I was talking about. That kind of pissed me off.
       "Whatever." I fumed."I'm going to Jay's. Don't get stuck walking through walls, Mr. Allan-the-Ghost."
       He frowned, but disappeared and let me go.

       I drove up to Jay's house, still having that strange feeling in my stomach that I always got whenever I got angry at my brother.
       I didn't count to ten because it never works, but I did, however, keep repeating,"He's not real.  He's just a figment of your imagination, Lissa.  He doesn't exist."
       I stopped in front of his house, surprised to see two extra cars in the driveway.  His parents where home, which was really strange because they hadn't been around often since Jay was fourteen.  They loved me, but I still always got nervous.  I knocked on the door, timidly awaiting someone to answer it.  The door opened wide, revealing Mr. and Mrs. Portson.  They smiled warmly and welcomed me inside, asking me how I've been and why I was here and that Jay was upstairs in his room and hadn't come out since they got home.  I answered all their questions, thanked them for asking and being so kind to me, and walked upstairs to Jay's Vault.  That was what I called it because of all the things in there.  It was like his own world and rarely let anyone but me in it.
       I opened the door and took in the familiar sight.  There were clothes laying on the floor and pictures randomly tacked onto the wall.  There was the desk in the far left corner of the room, which had no window.  The hamper was right next to the desk, and his bed was right behind it.  He sat at the desk on the computer, in the dark as usual.  Upon hearing my entrance, he turned around abruptly, closing something out on the screen and looking like he was just doing something he knew I wouldn't like in the slightest.  I pretended not to notice, but took mental note to be suspicious.
       His eyes lit up. "Lissa! I didn't think you'd show," he admitted.
       I tried to smile back. "Yo, what's up?"
       He chuckled and pulled me into a warm hug.  I couldn't help but melt into it.  He had the warmest hugs. "I'm sorry, Lissa.  I haven't been myself lately.  Can we forget it?" he asked.
       I was surprised by his apology.  He didn't normally say things like that. "It's okay, Jay.  Of course we can forget it."
       He smiled.
       "But," his smile faded as I said this,"you can't be so mean to Jason.  You introduced us, you shouldn't have done it if you thought you wouldn't like him."
       He sighed. "Okay Lissa. I'll try to be nice," he gave in.
       I was satisfied.

Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUN!!! Allan the dead younger brother. I love myself sometimes. This is the last one for this story I'm going to post for a while.  I'll come back with Heaven's Access.

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